Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Answered Prayers

God has answered SO many of my prayers recently. A few months ago I won $600 after buying a $1 raffle ticket at the high school football game from one of my students. I had been stressed about making ends meet, and then look at that! I'm planning to give all the money I won to various charities over Christmas: a Christmas angel, a few orphanages. They need it so much more than I do, and I know God will continue to provide for me- especially if I follow his guidance on using this money correctly!

He also has answered a few small prayers- the most recent being at my grandparents house over Thanksgiving. The bed I sleep in (and the mattress I sleep on) when I'm there have got to be at least 25 years old. The mattress is not comfortable. Usually when we're there, I toss and turn and wake up with a sore back. This time I thought to pray for relief and guess what? Slept like a rock! No tossing, no turning, no sore back. God is listening!

I've also been reminded recently that God is always with us. Whenever I talk to one of my friends in particular, we seem to always get an answer directly from God. We'll talk about something and one of us will wake up the next morning or do a devotional that night that specifically deals with whatever we talked about. It even happened a few days ago with another friend- she texted me panicking over the future! I woke up that morning, texted her back, and checked my daily Bible verse. It was Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to fail you, plans to give you hope and a future.." Of course I told her immediately. How cool!

God is so good!